Monday, August 20, 2012

Pillow Talk

Like any newly wed couple when my husband and I bought a house and moved in together over three years ago we had a hod podge of furniture and home decor.  So, since we have been married we have been working on getting rid of the "old" stuff and pick out things as a couple.  One of the first items that we replaced was a couch in the living room that I had had since graduating college back in 2000.  As any couch owner knows, after a couple of years the cushions start to go flat and the couch loses some of the comfort that you originally bought it for.  I don't know about you, but replacing a couch ever couple of years is not an option in our house.  This only leaves one option, restuff the cushions myself.  There have been several times that I have looked at batting at the store and thought about buying it, but I just can't ever seem to justify the purchase as restuffing the couch cushions isn't a necessity and I have been trying to save money anytime that I can.  Well, the other day I was cleaning out the linen closet and found an old pillow that I had shoved in there months ago after replacing it because it was too "flat" to use.  I guess the original idea behind keeping it was to just have an extra pillow for travel or for a guest.  However, upon finding it, I had an idea for what other use I could do with it and save money at the same time.  Since the pillow was 'flat' and the cushions were 'flat' I decided to cut the pillows open and use the stuffing in the couch cushions.  With just this one pillow I was able to restuff two pillows on the couch (there are five total).  Now, I have some fluffy, comfortable couch cushions again without spending any extra money.
Next time I replace any pillows, I am going to make sure I save them to restuff couch cushions. 
Happy saving!
-Sarah D.

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